Minggu, 10 Maret 2019

Revenue Model

The Boltt ecosystem has multiple revenue streams. It follows a subscription model for end users with a nominal monthly subscription fee. Corporates and others who hold social challenges and gamification are charged a maintenance fee. In addition, a commission on marketplace transactions based on the value is levied. In addition, the platform is open for advertising and sponsored contents, which take a CPM revenue model.
Monthly subscriptions on Boltt health reward engine
Users will have to pay a monthly subscription fee for this. It is to be as nominal as US$1.5.
Upon taking this subscription, users are eligible to earn BolttCoins by taking steps and improving personal health. The BolttCoins can then be used to purchase different goods and services across the partner network.
Maintenance fees on social challenges & gamification
Corporates, brands, and celebrities can run sponsored health & fitness challenges on the Boltt App for their employees, followers, and consumers. This encourages engagement and drives productivity and loyalty. The winners can win BolttCoins and sponsored prizes.
Boltt will charge a 5% of the sponsored reward amount as for hosting these challenges
Commission fees on m-commerce transactions
The Boltt ecosystem will include over 25,000 retailers & service providers and 01 Mn+ products & services in the App. Users can purchase these goods and services with BolttCoins.
Boltt will take a nominal commission fee on every transaction (3–5%)
Advertisement Revenue
The Boltt Ecosystem serves as a great platform for corporates, brands, and celebrities to run sponsored ad contents. Boltt charges on a CPM model for all sponsored content.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut
Situs web: https://bolttcoin.io
Whitepaper: https: //bolttcoin.io/BolttCoinWhitePaper-V1.0.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/BolttCoin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bolttsports
Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/bolttsports
ANN thread: https: //bitcointalk.org/index.php? Topic = 3276720

Senin, 30 Juli 2018


The Ubcoin Platform applies blockchain technology to create, manage, and operate tokenized cryptocurrency. The platform operates on Ethereum-based smart-contracts. Platform structure. Architecture scheme. Basic system modules:

1) Authorization service Ubcoin-ID;

2) Billing system (wallet management, deposit/withdrawal, internal transactions);

3) Anti-fraud system (AI, internal regulations, ML);

4) Ad platform (placement and management, premium functionality, catalogue and search);

5) Auction platform (auction placement and management);

6) Transaction management system (holding of funds, transaction confirmation, transaction history);

7) Moderator and system administrator office;

8) Customer support and arbitration system.

A brief information about the modules would be given below ;

(A) Authorization and security

User authorization requires an email address and a password
a. Upon authorization the user enters an email address and a password.

b. If 2FA service is enabled, the user is to enter an additional password received via Google Authenticator or the Telegram bot.

c. 2FA via Telegram

The user is to add UBCoinBot to his/her Telegram account
2. Each time the user enters the application, he presses the button to get the password. After that, the Telegram bot generates a new password.

3. To enhance security in case that user data are suspected to be compromised, the bot may request the user to send the current location. The received location will be compared by backend software to the location of the user that is trying to access the application.

2. Security of payment transactions and other Ubcoins operations.

a. In order to make a payment, it is necessary to enable 2FA service. In case of money deposit/withdrawal the system will request 2FA user password.

b. Security keys to the wallets inside the system are stored on a separate server which is different from the one that stores the backend.

(B) Billing system (wallet management, deposit/withdrawal, internal transactions)

All Ubcoin wallet operations are performed in the application;
2. Upon registration in the system, the user receives access to an Ethereum wallet, that belongs to the system and is linked to the user. In order to top-up a Ubcoin wallet the user is to enter the wallet number that he received upon registration;

3. In order to withdraw funds, the Ubcoin user is to specify the Ethereum wallet to which the money will be transferred. The transaction is protected by the payment password.

(C) Ad placement. Ad search. Ad management. Categorization. Verification, fraud protection.

1. Ad placement:

a. Only users that went through the primary identification can place an ad;

b. The user presses the “create new ad” button;

c. Chooses the category;

d. Adds a description;

e. Attaches images;

f. Adds the price;

g. Specifies the meeting location;

h. At this stage, the user is offered various additional paid services: premium ad, top position placement for several days etc.;

i. After that, the ad is pre-moderated (including images validation, text content check, anti-fraud filters etc.);

j. If the ad moderation is successful, it is published in the system, and the author receives a push/email notification of the publication;

k. If the ad moderation fails, the author is notified via email of the refusal and the reasons for it.

2. Ad search:

a. The system offers the user the following ad search options:

i. Category search;

ii. Price filter;

iii. Publication date filter;

iv. Seller ratings filter;

b. During the search the user can perform the following actions with the ads he likes:

i. Add the listing to favourites;

ii. Use ad tracking service (price change and other dynamic parameters);

iii. Contact the seller via a personal message linked to the merchandise;

iv. To report the ad to the administration, specifying the reason: spam, abusive content etc.

3. Ad management:

a. The user can perform the following actions with his ads:

i. See the whole ad list in the selected section in the application;

ii. Change the price, description, images. Any changes to the add lead to premoderation before publishing the ad again;

iii. Promote the ad in the search;

iv. Enable/disable additional services;

v. Stop the ad from appearing in the search.

4. Verification, fraud protection:

a. Verification includes two aspects: content check and anti-fraud.

b. Content check:

i. In order to detect inadmissible images and text, the application uses machine learning technologies and AI. The system has a built-in set of regulations describing inadmissible content criteria. Based on these regulations, the system checks the content with the help of neural networks featuring innovative technologies, such as Machine Learning и AI (TensorFlow, deeplearning4j etc). The technological solutions are provided by the market leader TensorFlow.

c. Anti-fraud

i. Anti-fraud uses technologies similar to those in clause

4.b.i, but follows different rules.

ii. Examples of criteria used in anti-fraud mechanisms:

The number of ads from a single account in one category;
2. The total number of ads in the system;

3. Suspicious activity of a newly created account on the first day ;

4. Ads published by different accounts from the same IP address;

5. Ads published by different accounts from the same mobile device.

Product Value Foundation

Their product is founded on the following cornerstones:

Cryptocurrency mass adoption. They promote mass adoption of digital assets that are both a means of settlement and an investment vehicle, thereby enlarging benefits for all parties to everyday buy-and-sell interactions.
Peer-to-peer interaction. Cut out as many intermediaries from the value chain, as possible. The platform facilitates smart contract execution between independent parties. The Ubcoin Marketplace does not own any goods for sale, it is not biased in its search results, and protects fairness of smart contracts.
Legal marketplace. They pay special attention to ensuring the legitimacy of goods and services sold on the Ubcoin marketplace. They are developing an advanced AI technology to help pre-screen seller postings for any potential infringements of reason, morality, safety and due care. Seller profile transparency and verification will be strongly encouraged and promoted.
Decentralization of transactions and settlements. Blockchain allows for decentralized initiation, settlement and fulfillment of transactions. Payments are immediate upon performance under carefully crafted smart contracts.
Impeccable interface. Their interface design brings a harmonious and seamless experience of buying and selling goods globally. They will strive to open our API to the community in order to develop the best adaptation of the platforms for specific local needs of the global community.
Open community. Some transactions may, in the future, require additional KYC/AML procedures for execution of smart contracts for certain types of deals involving third-party providers (i.e. delivery companies, couriers, notaries). Ubcoin platform envisions seamless engagement of these parties.


To know more about this project;

visit the website: https://ubcoin.io/

join telegram group: https://t.me/ubcoinmarket

whitepaper link: https://doc.ubcoin.io/english_1.6.pdf

my bitcointalk link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1070043

ANN/BOUNTY THREAD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3094107.0

facebook link: https://facebook.com/Ubcoin-838741126308809/

twitter link: https://twitter.com/ubcoin


Minggu, 29 Juli 2018

Hello teman teman, kembali lagi dengan saya, adam j di postingan kali ini saya akan mengulas ico Ecoinomic. kalian pasti bertanya tanya apa sih Ecoinomic itu? Ecoinomic merupakan Platform Layanan Keuangan Terdesentralisasi untuk Komunitas Crypto. Menurut saya pribadi ide dan gagasan Ecoinomic ini sangat lah menarik, kenapa? karena seperti yang kita tahu Tren tren nilai mata uang kripto tidak semuanya cerah. Di satu sisi orang membutuhkan uang untuk dikembangkan. di sisi lain, pemegang kripto fokus pada pelestarian aset kripto mereka. Hardware pertambangan membutuhkan pembaharuan sesekali. Di ruang ini, perawatan mahal. Di sisi lain, pemegang kripto fokus pada pelestarian aset kripto mereka. Hal ini didasarkan pada harapan bahwa nilainya akan tumbuh lebih banyak dalam waktu singkat. Orang-orang cerdas Crypto tidak akan memiliki track record untuk menunjukkan jauh, ketika menyangkut rekening bank. Untuk hari ke hari biaya mendapatkan pinjaman dari bank tidak mudah juga. Masalah sebenarnya adalah Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan pinjaman dengan menghadirkan aset kripto sebagai jaminan. Lembaga keuangan tidak menyetujui hal yang sama.Untuk mengetahui lebih jauh tentang proyek Ecoinomic simak artikel yang saya tulis berikut ini:

Apa Itu Ecoinomic?

Anda pasti bertanya tanya apa sih Ecoinomic itu? eCoinomic adalah platform digital yang menyediakan layanan keuangan bagi pemilik kripto, termasuk investasi, pengelolaan aset, barter, transfer, dan banyak lagi.

Ini Adalah Alasan Kenapa Anda Harus Bergabung Dengan eCoinomic:

  1. eCoinomic menyediakan dukungan multicurrency di platform mereka. Bitcoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin dan 10 cryptocurrencies lainnya didukung. USD, EUR dan lebih banyak mata uang fiat ada untuk pinjaman.
  2. Kecepatan transaksi uang palsu di platform sangat mengesankan. Tidak lebih dari tujuh menit untuk transaksi, milik agen pembayaran bawaan.
  3. Kontrak pintar digunakan untuk memberikan keamanan dan transparansi maksimal. Ini mengatur modus operandi fungsi seperti memblokir dan melikuidasi agunan.
  4. Sistem pemantauan harga akurat dan beroperasi secara real time.

Apa Tujuan eCoinomic?

Tujuan utama dari proyek eCoinomic adalah untuk mengembangkan, memasarkan dan menyempurnakan platform layanan berbasis sumber kriptografi berbasis sumber daya. Ini menawarkan penggunanya fungsi pinjaman, pertukaran, transfer, pengelolaan keuangan dan integrasi layanan dan sistem melalui pembayaran online.Di platform eCoinomic, Anda bisa mendapatkan pinjaman fiat yang menyimpan aset kripto Anda sebagai jaminan. Bagi pemilik kripto, mereka sekarang dapat mulai menerima pembayaran untuk produk dan layanan. Orang sekarang dapat membeli cryptocurrencies sebagai investasi jangka panjang. Platform eCoinomic menyediakan likuiditas yang diperlukan yang akan membantu pemegang kripto. Investor akan mendapatkan keuntungan yang sangat besar dari platform ini. Kontrak cerdas memberlakukan ketentuan dalam kewajiban pinjaman. Ini melindungi investasi pemegang kripto dan investor fiat.

Bagaimana Cara eCoinomic Bekerja?


Penutupan Pinjaman yang Sukses

Pinjaman Tidak Tertutup


Ticker:Platform EEE : EthereumToketen: ERC20Tersedia untuk Dijual: 217.500.000 EEE

Harga Token

Harga Keuangan : 1 EEE = 0.0001 ETHAccept: ETH, BTCHard Cap: 1.500 ETH

Info Lebih Detail Mengenai ICO:

Presale dimulai pada tanggal 15 Maret dan peluncuran ICO publik dilakukan pada tanggal 1 Mei 2018. 150 juta token membentuk persediaan token total. 45% dari total persediaan dicadangkan untuk penjualan presale dan publik. 5 juta token dan 63 juta token dialokasikan untuk presale dan ICO. Setiap token dihargai $ 1. Presale hadir dengan diskon 85% yang luar biasa menurunkan token menjadi hanya $ 0,15. Selama ICO Anda dapat memanfaatkan bonus dalam kisaran 40–50%, tergantung pada seberapa awal Anda berpartisipasi. Softcap dan hardcap penjualan publik masing-masing adalah $ 9 juta dan $ 35 juta.

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Revenue Model The Boltt ecosystem has multiple  revenue streams. It follows a subscription model for end users with a nominal monthly...